Biex Nikbru Lkoll Flimkien.
Twielet c350CA Antioch, Syria
Miet c428CA
Twielet 306 Nisibis, Turkija
Miet 9 ta' Ġunju 373, Edessa Turkija
Festa 9 ta' Ġunju
Twielet c 380 CA, Imola
Miet 31 ta' Diċembru 450 CA
Festa 4 ta' Diċembru.
Dawn is-siltiet dehru għall-ewwel darba fin-newslatter
tas-Soċjeta Patristika Maltija
immexxija min Mons. Hector Scerri.
St Ambrose of Milan says of the Christian attitude toward sickness: "If the occasion demands it, a wise man will readily accept bodily infirmity and even offer his whole body up to death for the sake of Christ... This same man is not affected in spirit or broken with bodily pain if his health fails him. He is consoled by his struggle for perfection in the virtues" (Exegetical Works).
St John Cassian teaches: God "leads you on by a still higher step to that love which is free of fear. Through this you begin effortlessly and naturally to observe all those things you originally observed out of fear of God and punishment, but now you do them no longer from fear of punishment, but from love of Goodness itself, and delight in virtue" (Institutes).
The Heavenly Physician "made the body [of man] subject to much suffering and disease, so that man might learn from his very nature than he must never again entertain the
thought" that he could be like unto God (St John Chrysostom, Homily 11, On the Statues).
"When the soul is afflicted by disease we usually feel no pain," St John Chrysostom says. "But if the body suffers only a little, we make every effort to be free of the
illness and its pain. Therefore, God corrects the body for the sins of the soul, so that by chastising the body, the soul might also receive some healing... Christ did this with
the Paralytic when He said: Behold, thou art made whole; sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. (Homily 38, On the Gospel of St John).
"Anyone who is sick should seek the prayer of others, that they may be restored to health; that through the intercession of others the enfeebled form of the body and the
wavering footsteps of our deeds may be restored to health... Learn, you who are sick, to gain health through prayer. Seek the prayer of others, call upon the Church to pray for
you, and God, in His regard for the Church, will give what He might refuse to you" (St Ambrose, On the Healing of the Paralytic).
St Gregory Nazianzen, a great man of prayer even when his health was good, exclaimed during his last illness: "The time is swift, the struggle is great, and my sickness severe, reducing me nearly to immovability. What then is left but to pray to God?" (Letters).
St Ambrose of Milan compared an infirm body to a broken musical instrument. He explained how the "musician" can still produce God-pleasing "music" without his instrument: "If a man used to singing to the accompaniment of a harp finds the harp broken, and its strings undone... he puts it aside and instead of calling for its notes he delights himself with his own voice.
"In the same way, a sick man allows the harp of his body to lie unused. He finds delight within his heart and comfort in the knowledge that his conscience is clear. He sustains himself with God's words and the prophetic writings and, holding these sweet and pleasant in his soul, he embraces them with his mind. Nothing can happen to him because God's graceful presence breathes favour upon him... He is filled with spiritual tranquillity" (Jacob and the Happy Life).
St Ambrose attributed this prayer to the Apostle Matthew, upon the occasion of the Apostle's conversion.
Isqof u Duttur
Arċisqof ta' Constantinopli
Twielet Antioch
Miet Omana in Pontius fil-409
Festa 13 ta' Settembru
Isqof ta' Sardis"
miet c180AD
Festa 1 ta' April
Isqof, Konfessur u Duttur tal-Knisja
twielet c313CA
miet c386CA
Venerat fil-Knisja Orjentali
Isqof, Teologu u Duttur tal-Knisja
twielet 329CA Arianzum, Cappadocia
miet 390CA Milan
Festa 2 ta' Jannar
Isqof, Duttur tal-Knisja
twielet 13 ta' Novembru 354CA - Thagaste
miet 28 ta' Awwissu 430CA - Hippo Regius
Festa 28 ta' Awwissu
Twielet c 200-210 CA, Certagini
Miet 14 ta' Settembru 258 CA
Festa 16 ta' Settembru.